The first thing you will notice about Joy when you meet her is that she is incredibly humble...the way she hugs you makes you instantly trust her and her smile...well her smile is a novel on its own. Everything about watching her and Jackson makes you want to scream in a pillow. Jackson, is just so cute, uttering little words, showing off his tricks and running around a thousand miles per minute. Joy on the other hand, has this understated elegance...a glow which made me wonder if it was from the 45 minute surf she had before I got there or just something she never got rid of after pregnancy ..Either way she wears it all too well.
Here is what Joy had to say about motherhood, tips on a successful marriage, a creative drive she now possesses, and of course, surfing. At the very bottom are some photos Joy shared from her personal album.
How do you find raising Jackson in Hawaii, and is there anywhere else in the world you would raise him?
I love being able to raise Jackson in Hawaii. The ocean is such a huge part of my life and to be able to share that with Jackson is really awesome. Drew and I have been to Australia and we do love that country. We would joke that if we didn't live in America then we would definitely live down under, but we are pretty happy with where we are at right now.
Its funny, but I feel like I've gotten more creative since being a mother, probably because I've gotten cheaper too since I'd rather make things, than buy them. But, I really have enjoyed getting into sewing. I'm still a beginner but have made some simple bow ties and a blanket for Jackson and some of his friends. I also made Jackson's Halloween costumes for the last two years which has been really fun.
Jackson is a lot like Phe. Typical boys going a thousand miles per minute. Do you ever feel like your going crazy? What do you do in those circumstances.
Yes I definitely have some crazy moments since 'Action Jackson' never stops, but he really is a lot of fun and I try to enjoy those moments. When things do get tough, though, I just have to remind myself that he is just a one year old so I try to extend my patience with him and not get so worked up by the situation. It also helps to be around family as often as I can so that there are more people to watch 'Action Jackson".
You come from a big family, and your sisters all now have children too, can you tell us what a typical Thanksgiving at your house is like?
My husband would probably say chaotic and I'd probably say fun. When my whole family gets together there is usually at least three people trying to talk at once, which is totally normal to me, and when you throw in eight grandkids running around it gets pretty hectic. We try our best to all get together at least once during the year and I really treasure those times.
Now that I am a mother I've realized how much I took for granted growing up and how selfless my parents were and still are. My parents instilled in me the importance of getting a higher education. They also taught me the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. Most importantly they have shown me unconditional love and support in whatever my endeavors were. I hope that Drew and I can teach Jackson those same things I've learned from my parents.
Has the dynamic between you and your husband, Drew, changed now that you have Jackson? Any tips you can give us on a happy marriage?
I think our marriage has gotten stronger and there is deeper love in our marriage that centers around Jackson. It really is crazy how your capacity to love increases when you become a mother. I think the best thing you can do for your child is to have a healthy, loving relationship with your partner. Your child will learn so much--how to love, how to effectively communicate, how to be kind, and will also feel stability. Its so amazing how much your child picks up just from your example (whether you are being a good example or a bad example). As far as tips, since we live with my in-laws we are around family all the time so, every now and then Drew and I will take Jackson and just the three of us will hang out going to the park or beach or whatever. Also we try to escape and have a date night with just the two of us when we can, which works out great since we are living with Jackson's babysitters ;)
Where is a special place on the island you like taking Jackson to?
We like taking Jackson to the beach since he is a water baby. There is not a special place we go, but we like to keep it mellow so we like Kaimana's or Baby Makapu'u or even Pillers down the street from us.
And last but not least, I understand Jackson comes first before anything, but when can we expect you to be back in the water competing? Where does Surfing sit with you? Is there anything else you have been passionate about lately?
Oops I lied, there's one more question-- any plans to expand your family anytime soon? Do you see yourself having a big family too?
We do hope to have more kids and we both come from a family of four, so we've always said four is a good number. But, I know things can change once you start having more so I guess we'll just wait and see. :)