Wooooow what a sleepless, painful and frustrating 2 weeks it was! It seemed as though everything people warn you about babies getting in the first few years of life, Phe got all in one week. I think my husband and I were so sleep deprived we started losing the plot at one point. Phe could not sleep, eat or drink for over a week with raging ear infections, thrush, fevers, teething and to top it off, coldsores..ahem... I'm sorry but I'm just gonna say it...Why do people still think kissing babies that aren't your family on the mouth is ok? It's like people who still want to argue that 10 percent is customary tip. I just don't understand.
However, I have to say that Phe being sick has come to be a blessing in disguise..
1. He gave up his pacifier after one week of not being able to suck on anything.
2. He successfully transferred to Whole Milk and Sippy Cups because he couldn't taste or use the bottle.
3. He is AFFECTIONATE NOW!!! I think prior to this he didn't even know that I was his mom but being that sick has really taught him that cuddles and kisses (just not with randoms) will get you very far in life.
4. He eats more than EVER now and EVERYTHING. Phe was always a big eater but this time around it's like he's making up for lost times.
5. He does the most epic dance to "Sexy and I know it."
It was almost like this traumatic 2 weeks kinda warped him and reset his brain...I honestly think out of all the stages we've experienced this year, this has got to be my favorite so far..so much fun! The good news is, I am a full time mommy now and have much more time to blog but the bad news is, my camera is broken and my husband is away for 3 weeks..hence the blackberry camera photos. Thank god for black and white and sepia though. I promise to make it as enticing as I can! Thank you to everyone that supported us during this chaotic week!!