Thursday, May 10, 2012

We found Hermit Crabs in a Cage-less Place...


A few weeks ago I blogged about the Waikiki Aquarium and how it was kinda sad. I mentioned that you can see most of the fishes that were in the aquarium in the wild if you go snorkeling. however that the best part about it was the hermit crabs we got to learn about and pick up with our hands...The other day, Phe and I went to Sandy's and ventured off to the tidepools on a lil mission and found TONS of little hermies.  It was pretty exciting seeing them in the wild after seeing them do there thing at an aquarium with a lady telling you not to do certain things...Anytime you get to see any living creature in their natural habitat is intriguing, even something so small as a hermit crab.  If it wasn't for going to see them in an aquarium a few weeks ago, I don't think we could've appreciated it as much..  Phe wanted to take them home as a souvenir but we returned it back to mother nature where they belong..  Loved every minute of it, exploring and stimulating our minds together through giggles unlocking the little beauties this world has to offer...We're all walking the Earth somehow =)


I spy with my lil eye...

A mound of an art piece Phe made

Not looking, but still posing, one eye on the fishies


1 comment:

  1. Hey Baby Please Enjoy but carefully. I really love your photo and place also. You must post next journey photo..............

    Keep enjoy yourself :)
